Breaking changes due to converting to Svelte 5
- Removed variant prop from all components. Instead, class prop is used.
- Event handlers (e.g. on:select) are now callbacks in props (e.g. onSelect).
- Slots are now snippets. The children snippet prop is used instead of default slot.
- Some HTML structure and class names were changed in components based on prop/snippet changes.
- Context property types are plain values (e.g. string, boolean) rather than stores. Context
objects are implemented with getters and setters when supporting property change detection is
- Props that were previously
are expanded to boolean | null | undefined
Other changes
- The Sterling theme was moved to a separate package: @geoffcox/sterling-svelte-themes.
- The ColorPicker and associated components were removed. In the future, they will be included in
a separate package to avoid the tinycolor dependency in this library.
Component specific changes
- Label: status property removed.
- Label: vertical property removed.
- MenuItemDisplay: removed. Built in to MenuItem as default content.
- Progress: status property removed.
- Switch: offText and offLabel combined into offLabel snippet.
- Switch: onText and onLabel combined into onLabel snippet.
- TreeItem: icon snippet added.
- TreeItemDisplay: removed. Built in to TreeItem as default content.