sterling-svelte  1.0.12
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.
Exciting News! sterling-svelte 2.0 is out and built on Svelte 5! Read all about it here!


Welcome! sterling-svelte is a UI component library built on Svelte 4.

Considerable care and effort have been taken to make each component modern, accessible, and lightweight.

  • Components are headless by default.
    • There isn’t a default style and you entirely control the CSS style.
    • There is a default style you can opt-in to using.
  • Component code is written in ideomatic Svelte that provides fast rendering, component customization, and reactivity.
  • The library targets evergreen browsers and follows aria accessibility standards.
  • Dependencies are kept to a minimum to keep bundle size as small as possible.


1. In your Svelte application, use your favorite package manager to install the sterling-svelte library.

npm install @geoffcox/sterling-svelte
yarn add @geoffcox/sterling-svelte

2. In App.svelte, import the default style and theme (or import your own).

import '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte/css/sterling.css';

If you are working in the REPL or another project where you cannot import CSS directly, you can use this alternative:

	<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

3. In App.svelte, support light/dark modes. If you want to use the CSS variables for the entire body, set atDocumentRoot to true.

<script lang="ts">import { applyLightDarkMode } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

<div use:applyLightDarkMode={{atDocumentRoot: true}}>
  <!-- ... -->

4. Add sterling-svelte components. You can import components from the .svelte file or directly from the library.

  import Button from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte/Button.svelte';
  import { Checkbox } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

  <Button>Hello sterling-svelte</Button>

Component Documentation

The documentation for each component includes:

  • a running playground where you can try out different properties
    • As you configure properites, the component code is displayed.
    • Available variants in the Sterling theme are listed next to the variant field.
  • details of each property, event, and method
  • usage, behavior, and design points to consider
  • the anatomy of the rendered HTML including classes and slots


The project welcomes all contributions!

Create a work item on GitHub if you find a bug, have a feature request, want to contribute a component, or want to showcase your app/site built using sterling-svelte.