sterling-svelte  1.0.12
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.
Exciting News! sterling-svelte 2.0 is out and built on Svelte 5! Read all about it here!


An <input type='radio'>: an interactive element to choose a single value from a set of choices

<script lang="ts">
  import { Radio } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

  let selectedValue : string;

<Radio bind:group={selectedValue} name="choices" value="item-1">Item 1</Radio>
<Radio bind:group={selectedValue} name="choices" value="item-2">Item 2</Radio>
<Radio bind:group={selectedValue} name="choices" value="item-3">Item 3</Radio>


Property Name Type Default Comment
group string '' The group to bind to the selected value for a group of radio buttons
variant string '' Additional class names to apply


  • Includes HTMLInputElement props, event, and methods


<div class="sterling-radio">
  <div class="container">
    <!-- hidden -->
    <input />
    <div class="indicator" />
    <slot {checked} {disabled} {group} {inputId} {value} {variant} />