sterling-svelte  1.0.12
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.
Exciting News! sterling-svelte 2.0 is out and built on Svelte 5! Read all about it here!


A <Button> that opens/closes a <Menu>

<script lang="ts">
  import { MenuButton } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

  <!-- <MenuItem> ... -->


Property Name Type Default Comment
open string false When true, the menu is open
menuVariant string '' Additional class names to apply to the Menu
value string '' The value uniquely identifying this menu button as the root of the menu hierarchy
variant string '' Additional class names to apply

Event Name Data Comment
close { value: string } Raised when the menu or a descendant menu is closed
open { value: string } Raised when the menu or a descendant menu is opened
selected { value: string } Raised when a descendant a menu item is selected


  • Includes Button props, event, and methods
  • Includes HTMLButtonElement props, event, and methods


  <div class="reference">
    <slot {open} {value} {variant} />
    <Menu variant={menuVariant}>
      <slot name="items" />