sterling-svelte  1.0.12
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.
Exciting News! sterling-svelte 2.0 is out and built on Svelte 5! Read all about it here!


A <Dropdown> containing an <Input> to choose a color value

<script lang="ts">
  import { ColorPicker } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

<ColorPicker />


Property Name Type Default Comment
colorText string '#000000' The color value in HEX, RGB, or HSL format
colorFormat ColorFormat 'hex' The current color format
sliderVariant string '' Additional classes to apply to the each slider
valueVariant string '' Additional classes to apply to the value input
variant string '' Additional class names to apply


Type Name Definition Comment
ColorFormat 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsl'


  • The dropdown displays a set of sliders based on the color format selected.
  • Changing the input to a color value with a different color format, switches the selected color format.
  • Switching from HSL to HEX or RGB rounds values to the nearest color.
  • There are no slots due to the required coordination between sliders and the dropdown.
  • Includes Dropdown props, event, and methods


<div class="sterling-color-picker">
    <div class="value" slot="value">
      <div class="color-box" />
      <Input />
    <div class="sterling-color-picker-popup">
      <div class="tabs">
        <TabList />
      <div class="sliders">
        <HexColorSliders />
        <HslColorSliders />
        <RgbColorSliders />