sterling-svelte  1.0.4
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.


A list of tabs where one tab can be selected.


 * The context for a TabList and its tabs.
export type TabListContext = {
  /** When true, the tablist and its tabs are disabled. */
  disabled: Readable<boolean>;

  /** The value of the currently selected tab. */
  selectedValue: Writable<string | undefined>;

  /** When true, the tabs are displayed vertically. */
  vertical: Readable<boolean>;


HTMLDivElement props are included.

/** When true, the tab list and its tabs are disabled. */
export let disabled = false;

/** The value of the currently selected tab. */
export let selectedValue: string | undefined = undefined;

/** When true, the tab list is displayed vertically. */
export let vertical = false;

/** Additional class names to apply. */
export let variant: string = '';


HTMLDivElement events are included.

dispatch('select', { value });


HTMLDivElement blur and focus methods are included.

function selectFirstTab();
function selectPreviousTab();
function selectNextTab();
function selectLastTab();


<div class="sterling-tab-list">
  <!-- children -->
  <slot {disabled} {selectedValue} {variant} {vertical} />
