sterling-svelte  1.0.12
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.
Exciting News! sterling-svelte 2.0 is out and built on Svelte 5! Read all about it here!

Media Query Stores

Media queries are exposed as Svelte stores. This allows you to easily subscribe to handle changing values.


A Svelte store that keeps a boolean up to date if the prefers-color-scheme media query matches ‘dark’.

<script lang="ts">import { prefersColorSchemeDark } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

<div>The user prefers dark mode: {$prefersColorSchemeDark}</div>


A Svelte store that keeps a boolean up to date if the prefers-reduced-motion media query matches ‘reduce’.

<script lang="ts">import { prefersReducedMotion } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

<div>The user prefers reduced motion: {$prefersReducedMotion}</div>


A Svelte store that keeps a boolean up to date if the user is typing on the keyboard. This is a wrapper around Keyborg’s value.

<script lang="ts">import { usingKeyboard } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

<div>The user is currently using the keyboard: {$usingKeyboard}</div>