sterling-svelte  1.0.4
A modern, accessible, lightweight UI component library for Svelte.

Getting started

1. Install the package

Use your favorite package manager to install the sterling-svelte library.

npm install @geoffcox/sterling-svelte
yarn add @geoffcox/sterling-svelte

2. Apply the sterling-svelte theme

This is optional if you have your own CSS to apply.

  1. In your top-level application, import the styles
import '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte/css/sterling.css';
  1. Optional - Support light/dark/auto modes
<script lang="ts">import { applyLightDarkMode } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';
// For example, we use a variable to track which mode the user prefers.
// Other UI can allow the use to change the mode.
let mode = 'auto';

    atDocumentRoot: true,
    mode: mode === 'auto' ? 'auto' : mode === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light'
  <!-- ... -->

3. Add components

You can import components from svelte files under *.svelte (recommended) or from the library root.

  import Button from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte/Button.svelte';
  import { Checkbox } from '@geoffcox/sterling-svelte';

  <Button>Hello sterling-svelte</Button>